Important Update - New Invasive Species on the Lake
This fall a new invasive species of aquatic plant has shown itself to us on Eagle Spring Lake. This new invader is called Starry Stonewort (SSW) and has the ability to stop your boat dead in its tracks. A brief shoreline survey was done and has been found in at least 3 other areas of our lake. This was a limited shoreline survey search done in late October; click on the following link to see the survey report. October 21, 2024 SSW report. For more information of what SSW looks like, visit the DNR website at DNR presentation at the 10-15-2024 meeting is accessable in our minutes link.
About Eagle Spring Lake
Eagle Spring Lake is a 279-acre mesotrophic impoundment located in Waukesha County, WI. It has a maximum depth of 8 feet and its mean depth is 4 feet. The waterbody is formed on the Mukwonago River Flowage by dam impoundments.
What is a Lake District and What is It's Purpose?
Lake Districts are formed as a special taxing district under the authority of Wisconsin State Statues found in Chapter 33. The stated legal purpose of a Lake District is found in Chapter 33.21 which reads: Districts may be created for the purpose of undertaking a program of lake protection and rehabilitation of a lake or parts thereof within the district. Click here for the Official Map of the Eagle Spring Lake Management District Map.
How is the Eagle Spring Lake District Governed?
The ESLMD Board of Commissioners consists of five (5) elected representatives from within the district and one (1) representative appointed by Waukesha County and one (1) representative appointed by the Town of Eagle. All members of the Commission have voting powers and members elected by the district residents receive compensation for their services. If compensated, the Representatives from the County and the Town are paid through their respective appointing authorities.
Monthly Meetings
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Eagle Spring Lake Management District is held the third (3rd) Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the Eagle Municipal Building main meeting room. All residents and/or property owners are encouraged to attend.
Time and date changes will be posted on the 'Home Page' of this website.
The Annual Meeting of the Eagle Spring Lake Management Association is held on the first Saturday of August, beginning at 9:00 am in the Eagle Municipal Building main meeting room. The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held Saturday, August 3rd.